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Top 5 exercise burns the most belly fat for Female

Top 5 exercise burns the most belly fat for Female

And as the sign of that stubbornest of types of body fat, belly fat is also one of the most common concerns for women. Excess belly fat is not just aesthetically problematic, it also increases the risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Weight gain around the midsection often occurs for women, due to hormonal changes, stress, or lifestyle factors. This can make it tough to find the best gym exercise to lose belly fat, but doing the right workouts to tone and train your midsection is the way to go.

If you have been wondering what exercises will help you to minimize belly fat most effectively you’ve come to the right place. So this post will talk about the Top 5 Exercise burns the belly fat for female. But these exercises are not only great for burning calories; they also help target your core and help you to get the toned stomach that you’ve always wanted. So read on to find out the top exercise to lose belly fat and how to fit them into your exercise routine for the best results.

Top 5 exercise burns the belly fat for Female
Top 5 exercise burns the belly fat for Female, best exercise burns the most belly fat for Female

The Ultimate Fat Burner High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is just that.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on top of the list is the best gym exercising for burning belly fat in case of females. The HIIT approach involves a few matches alternating between short bursts of same which are intense activity and recovery periods. Unlike traditional cardio exercise, working out this way keeps your heart rate high, burns a lot of calories, and helps you lose belly fat faster than most cardio exercise.

How Understanding HIIT Can Help You Lose Belly Fat

The HIIT is one of the very best exercises for ladies to shed stomach fat since the best impact on your metabolism. By blowing the whistle on the intense bursts of activity followed by some short recovery periods, your body continues to burn calories long after you’re done with your workout. The “afterburn effect” or excess post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) is this way known and helps you burn fat even well after you’ve left the gym.

How to Do It:

  • Warm-Up: Light cardio, such as jogging or jumping jacks, should be done in a 5 minute warm up.
  • Intervals: Do 30 seconds of high intensity exercises, like burpees, little jumps squats, or mountain climbers, and then 15-30 seconds rest.
  • Repeat: Cycling between high-intensity exercise and rest in bursts of 20-30 minutes should continue.
  • Cool Down: Finish with 5 minutes stretch and cool down.

Why It Works:
Burn a high number of calories (in a short period), the HIIT is a powerful way. Not only does this workout work to burn overall fat, it also works to burn stubborn belly fat, making it one of the best gym exercises to lose belly fat.

Top 5 exercise burns the most belly fat for Female
Top 5 exercise burns the belly fat for Female, best exercise burns the most belly fat for Female

Core Strengthening – Plank Variations

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If you are a female and looking for best gym exercises to burn BELLY FAT then planks is excellent for strengthening your core. A plank position requires the use of many muscles which include abdominals, back, shoulders, and glutes. Planks allow better posture, a good stability and above all good core strength. All of these key elements for shedding extra body fat.

Planks As Effective Belly Fat Loss Calendar

The plank is a basic, but power core exercise. Crunches tend to work the rectus abdominis mainly whereas planks work all parts of your core — obliques and transverse abdominis. That is why this makes it one of the better gym exercises for women to lose belly fat for why you need to strengthen your whole midsection.

How to Do It:

  • Standard Plank: Place your elbows bent and your weight on your forearms and start off in this pushup position. Keep your body straight, not sagging or arching your back. In this position hold for 30-60 seconds.
  • Side Plank: Place yourself on your side, lift your hips off the ground with one forearm. Length of time on each side is 30 – 60 seconds and keeping the body in a straight line.
  • Plank Jacks: Begin in a standard plank position and jump your feet out and back in movement, like a jumping jack. Adding cardio with your plank makes your plank not just a core exercise, but a calorie burner too.

Why It Works:
Plank variations are the top 5 exercises that burn belly fat for females because they involve stability and tension that engages various muscle groups at the same time. In turn this results in increased fat burning in the belly area, which makes planks a highly effective choice.

Top 5 exercise burns the most belly fat for Female
Top 5 exercise burns the belly fat for Female, best exercise burns the most belly fat for Female

Dynamic Core Engagement – Bicycle Crunches

Being that bicycle crunches are both an upper and lower abdominal and oblique workout; they are a great addition to the best gym exercises to lose belly fat. It is this exercise that looks like a pedaling motion and is very effective for sculpting the core and burning belly fat.

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Is Bicycle Crunch Better Than Regular Crunch?

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One of the most effective exercises in burning the most amounts of belly fat for women is the bicycle crunch, as it works all the muscle groups all together thus burning more calories and core accordingly. The bicycle crunch also works the obliques which help to flatten out the ‘love handles’ and help to tone the waist.

How to Do It:

  • Start Position: Place your back on the ground and arrange your knees at 90 degrees with hands behind heads.
  • Movement: In this position, straight your right leg, and lift your shoulder blades off the ground, bending your right elbow towards your left knee. Pedal in alternate sides.
  • Reps: If aiming for 15-20 repetitions on each side.

Why It Works:
Top 5 exercises for female to burn belly fat are the bicycle crunches because they are all about continuous movement, which keeps your heart rate up at the same time working on your core. It’s an excellent combination for burning belly fat and sculpting that six pack.

Top 5 exercise burns the belly fat for Female, best exercise burns the most belly fat for Female

Full Body Cardio and Core, Mountain Climbers

It’s a high intensity, full body exercise that works belly fat very well. This is a great one for the list of the best gym exercise to burn belly fat because it is cardio and core engagement rolled in to one, which means a greater burn of calories and stronger abs.

  • Why Mountain Climbers Are Good for Belly Fat

Mountain climbing is one of the best exercises for those looking to burn belly fat the most for females, since you have to balance and support your body weight as you quickly perform a repetitive motion. In addition, this exercise increases your heart rate, burns calories and gives you an effective core workout at the same time.

How to Do It:

  • Start Position: Place your hands down directly under your shoulders, with the rest of your body in a straight line to start.
  • Movement: Move your knees back and forth as fast as possible while keeping the plank position.
  • Duration: For 30-45 seconds do mountain climbers, rest then do 3-4 sets of mountain climbers.

Why It Works:
It’s effective, they combine cardiovascular activity with core strengthening. Burning a lot of calories as this is one of the reasons why they are one of the best gym exercises to lose belly fat for women who want to bruze some quick and effective results.

best exercise burns the most belly fat for Female

Targeting Obliques : Russian Twists

Russian twists can also make great exercise for eliminating belly fat, particularly around the waist. This is one of the best gym exercise to reduce belly fat in females as it tones the obliques and flattens the waistline.

Because Russian Twists Work on Belly Fat

Russian twists are one of the top 5 exercises that burn belly fat for females, as it targets the side of your abdomen helping to reshape the obliques as well as love handles. Blowing up the intensity and burning even more calories can be done by adding weight: a medicine ball or dumbbell.

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How to Do It:

  • Start Position: Squat to the floor, sit on your knees with your feet flat. Engage your core a little away from your standing position.
  • Movement: Grab a weight or a medicine ball in your hands, twist your torso to the right, twist to the left then both the time you tap it down on the floor.
  • Reps: Ideally do 15 – 20 twists on each side.

Why It Works:
Russian twists are good because they aim to the oblique muscles and burn belly fat on the sides. It is one of the best gym exercises to burn belly fat for the female if the aim is a toned and defined waist.


It doesn’t have to be a big inconvenience finding the best gym exercise to lose belly fat. Top 5 belly fat burning exercises for females consists of cardio exercise, strength training, along with fitness exercises that concentrate to tone the midsection. Exercises such as HIIT workouts that burn belly fat, plank variations, bicycle crunches, mountain climbers and Russian twists are all great exercises for burning belly fat.

You will not just shed belly fat, but building these type of exercises into your gym routine will help you build core strength and increase your overall fitness. Remember, consistency is key. If you stick to your workouts, and still work on a balanced diet, you’ll be that much closer to a healthier, stronger and more toned body.

Whether you are a beginner at the gym or a veteran fitness buff the best exercises to burn the most belly fat for females are all a pro when it comes to scamming away most of those unwanted abs…and even more tummy fat this year ahead. Begin to integrate these workouts in your routine, be committed and wait for time to do the rest. Belly fat can be a tough beast, but with the right effort and steps you can definitely get the result you’re looking for.

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